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IPTV Local Rio

Fonte de dados meteorológicos: Wetter vorhersage 30 tage
Inglês sem segredo

Inglês sem segredo

Is it normal for a 18F to still be sleeping with her mom? Hello, I m a 18 year old girl and I have been sleeping in the same bed as my mom since I was a child. It started maybe at 7 years old, and I would go to my parents’ room to say that I’m scared to sleep alone and my dad then went to my room and slept there. He also worked 24 hour shifts, so there were some days where by default I could sleep with my mom. Only at 15 years old I wasn’t as scared of the dark as before, but I still slept with my mom on the days that dad worked. It has become a part of my routine, where almost like airplane mode, I automatically collected my pillows and brought them to my parents’ bed. Only like a year ago I thought that it might be kind of weird and embarrassem to still be sleeping with my mom at my age, so I told her what I felt. I also brought up the fact that sometimes when she snores it makes it very hard for me to sleep. She said that she was sad and lonely to sleep alone and to get earplugs to protect myself from her snoring, half joking. Well, I sleep alone in my room most of the time and I don’t feel as lonely but I get where she’s coming from. Should I still try to sleep in my room on the days that dad works or is it normal? This question has been bothering me for a wh I read most comments but am unsure of what to reply to them, so I’ll compile my thoughts here. I’d say my mom has the most sentimental value to sleeping together than I do, since I did it before due to my fear of the dark, and she sleeps with me just because she doesn’t want to sleep alone. I also have a 26 year old brother, so we could say that for 26 years she has not been sleeping alone. I did try sleeping in seperate beds, but after my first work day, I felt really bad and slept with her and then everything fell back into place. Some comments said the same thing about sleeping together on tough times, so I get that’s normal. Some comments didn’t address that she “guilt tripped” me, which she kinda did. My dad also works sometimes 2/3 times a week, so that’s how often we sleep together. I think the solutions is I’ll just have to hang with her before sleep and go to my bed for the night.

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